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Bi-level authentication and mannequin routing for improving security features of WSN-IoT


Node authentication and key management are the two significant security services employed in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Since the growth of the devices in WSN is rapidly increasing, strong security policies should be employed to save the network from outside invaders. There is a wide range of smart applications developed in various fields such as military, health, agriculture, smart city, and many others. Since most of the applications consist of sensitive data, they should be protected to save the users’ privacy. Conventional protocols are more prone to security attacks and therefore the authors propose a secure and reliable protocol named Polynomial Authentication and Mapping Verification based Mannequin Routing (PAMVMR). This scheme involves two main processes such as Bi-level authentication and Information Processing. Bi-level authentication includes node-to-gateway authentication using polynomial key shares and node-to-node verification using mapping function that is processed through a context free grammar. Information processing includes creation of mannequin routes by applying Pascal’s triangle method and transmission of data. This makes the network more secure and reliable for data transmission from sensor nodes to a gateway node and from a gateway to users.


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